Colton B. Wolk

Colton B. Wolk

Total 25 Posts
Colton Wolk ( is a staff writer at Innovation Policy News. He is currently a senior at Tufts University studying computer science.

Solar Supply Chain Bill Aims to Upgrade U.S. Manufacturing Facilities

The bill would make current, viable solar technologies available for funding, spur the deployment of advanced solar technologies if DOE concludes they are ready for commercialization.

Senators Press for Regulatory Sandboxes to Spur Fintech Innovation

Regulatory sandboxes provide opportunities for fintech organizations to test innovative products and services in a time-bound, regulated environment.

EPA Caps Harmful Greenhouse Gases Used in Cooling Equipment

Hydrofluorocarbons have global warming potentials of hundreds to thousands of times greater than carbon dioxide.

NOAA Administrator Pledges Scientific Integrity in Climate Mission

NOAA’s budget request for fiscal year 2022 includes $855 million to spur new research and develop products to better understand climate risks and decision-making.

Appalachian Regional Council Grants Fund Broadband, Innovation Initiatives

The grants are part of an ARC initiative that has provided more than $287 million to 362 projects since 2015 to increase economic diversification.

Lawmakers, NASA Officials Plan Commercial Handoff for International Space Station

Instead of commissioning a new facility, NASA currently plans to use commercial low-earth orbit platforms and rely on commercial service providers to support its work.

“We’re Number 23!” U.S. Lags in Academic R&D Funding

The picture was largely stagnant from 2008 to 2018, as academic R&D expenditures decreased slightly from 0.37 percent of GDP to 0.36 percent.
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