Colton B. Wolk

Colton B. Wolk

Total 25 Posts
Colton Wolk ( is a staff writer at Innovation Policy News. He is currently a senior at Tufts University studying computer science.

Reconciliation Package to Include Auction Plans for Wireless Spectrum

The goal is to improve federal use of the 3.1–3.45 gigahertz band of the wireless spectrum through economic analyses, engineering studies, systems work, or other activities, such that at least 200 megahertz of the remaining bandwidth can be auctioned off.

Lawmakers Propose Joint Research Center for U.S. and Israel to Collaborate on Artificial Intelligence

The goal is to strengthen R&D in AI by fostering collaboration between public and private institutions in the two countries in areas such as machine learning, speech recognition, and natural language processing, among others.

Postal Service Revs Up Electric Fleet Plans in Proposed Reconciliation Package

The committee draft initially called for $2.4 billion to electrify USPS vehicles, but the number ballooned to $7 billion after an amendment proposed by Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) passed along party lines.

House Science Committee Directs $5 Billion to Innovation Hubs in Reconciliation Package

The innovation program involves collaborative partnerships between public and private industries, stimulated by awards from the secretary of commerce, who will oversee a total of $13.5 billion worth of new and expanded initiatives under the Science Committee’s purview.
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